Monday 1 October 2012

The key to flawless skin - a little bit of nourishment!

Post from May 2013, edited 20th October 2013.
I have always been quite lazy with my skin routine. Being blessed with nice skin and reasonably unproblematic skin hasn't made me focus on looking after my skin. 
Until now, I have started to get older and have realised the importance of what a decent skin care routine can have on your skin not just now, but the impact it can have in the future. I don't want wrinkles, fine lines etc to weigh me down when I get older. I want my skin to look amazing and take years off my age!

I had a go at implementing a skin care routine a number of times before but never succeeded. I found the more I cleaned/moisturised my skin the more I'd break out and it would irritate me so I would stop. I figured if it ain't broke why fix it.

Until this year, I was turning 24 and started to notice some fine lines developing, my skin started to look dehydrated due to the air conditioning where I worked.  I was horrified! I was only 23, and it made me think I better start something now otherwise my skin is going to look horrible by the time I'm 35. 

I did some research and found a routine that works for me. My morning routine is extremely simple, I clean my skin every morning with a face wipe and then a light moisturiser over the top to prep my skin. I find by cleaning my skin with face wipe, it removes any unwanted products that I put on my skin the night before and leaves my skin feeling clean, fresh and ready for the day.

My night routine is a little more involved, but not overly so I actually stick with it. I clean my skin firstly with a cleanser, I haven't picked once that I can't live without so I just use whatever is on rotation in the shower. At the moment its a Neutrogena one but before that it was Cetaphil. Then I cleanse it again with my Clarisonic. I find by cleaning it quickly before using my clarasonic I remove any makeup and let the Clarisonic really get down and do its magic.

I follow this with rose hip oil, oh it's magical stuff. I let it skin in a little then follow it up with a nice heavy moisturising night cream.  Currently I'm loving Trilogy Rosehip Oil + Antioxidant because its cheap and makes my skin glow! (Thanks Zoe Foster!!)

Another product I think it's like gold in a bottle, is medik8 retinol serum. It's a game changer for my skin when it gets dehydrated or needs a super boost. It is A-MAZING!!!! 

Since embarking on this new skin routine, my skin has never looked as good, felt as good or been in such a great condition. As a result of this my makeup even has looked better as it has had a lovely smooth canvas to be applied to. It has made me believe that to achieve a flawless base you need to start from the base and work up. 

A good skin care routine is essential! 

What are your tips?

Do you have any products your skin can't live without?

I'd love to know!!

Until next time,  M xx

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